Next-gen image converter

Free Image Converter

Convert and compress an infinite amount of images in batches into WEBP format or from WEBP format for free. Works with PNG transparent backgrounds.

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Bulk Image Converter

Convert images in batches from JPG or PNG into WEBP, or vice versa.

Convert images to WEBP

Choose the “Convert to WEBP” tab above, upload your images in bulk, specify a compression percentage, and click “compress”.

Our tool will convert all of your images to the next-gen WEBP format super-fast.

Convert WEBP to JPG

Select the “WEBP to JPG” tab from above, upload your images in bulk, make sure to set a compression percentage, and click “compress”.

Our tool will convert all your WEBP images into JPG almost instantly.

Convert WEBP to PNG

Choose the “WEBP to PNG” option from the menu above, upload multiple photos, choose a compression ratio, and press “compress.”

Our tool quickly converts all of your WEBP images to PNG.

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